Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Do You Live In An Area Where Serial Killers Are Active?

Nursing Homes Nyc - Do You Live In An Area Where Serial Killers Are Active? Advertisement The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Do You Live In An Area Where Serial Killers Are Active?. And the content associated with Nursing Homes Nyc.

Do you know about - Do You Live In An Area Where Serial Killers Are Active?

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I in effect don't intend to scare or alarm anyone, but this is an prominent subject. Sometimes, because of a possible threat, we must just get over being scared or rather, make good use of fear. Fear is a good thing if it causes one to be more observant, more diligent, and more careful about our surroundings. So please, if you reside near any of these areas, just be careful! Below is a list of areas where there's an active hunt for serial killers and/or unsolved cases of suspected serial killer involvement.

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How is Do You Live In An Area Where Serial Killers Are Active?

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1) The area in the middle of Houston, Texas and Galveston, Texas. More specifically, any where near I-45. It's suspected that at least two serial killers could be operating along this area. To date, it's believed that at least 24 women, that's right, 24 women have been killed!

2) Denver, Colorado, near the normal area of Coors Field. It's been said that at least 4 citizen have been killed in this normal area and the cases are unsolved. Is it the act of one person or different killers? whether way, be careful!

3) Two cities in Massachusetts, the cities of Hudson and Marlborough. These cities are settled close to one another. They have experienced the deaths of a couple of citizen that seem suspicious.

4) The area around Daytona Beach, Florida. At least three or four females have died at the hands of a killer. Many in law compulsion believed this killer may reside in the city or around areas. He seems to kill on an average of every 20 days. Personally, I believe they need to keep their options and investigations open on this one. It could also be a salesman or businessman that travels to the area every 20 days or so.

Please be advised that serial killers have been known to be transient. Some might kill their victims in areas near their homes, others may not. The question is ordinarily though with the ones who are transient. They might pass straight through Florida on a Monday, kill a victim, then be in California by Thursday! someone else issue is their Dna's. The killers must have been arrested at least once for their Dna to be entered into police data banks.If entered, the police can then match it with a infer or suspects.

In addition, I must say this. It's an obvious, logical assumption. If you live in Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, New York City, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Washington D.C., Phoenix, or Las Vegas, you must assume that there is a good probability that a serial killer is operating in your mist.

Be careful and watch your backs!

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Mafia in the 1920's

Nursing Home Nyc - Mafia in the 1920's Advertisement The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Mafia in the 1920's. And the content related to Nursing Home Nyc.

Do you know about - Mafia in the 1920's

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The origins of the mafia phenomenon dating back to the Middle Ages, when Sicily was under foreign domination and obedience wealthy families obtained straight through formal social operate of land. The Mafia, organizationally, did not have a hierarchy, but was composed of autonomous groups who called themselves "men of honor." In those years, the landed aristocracy allied with social leaders and created a conservative power buildings and stable, a strategy that allowed it to maintain its dominance in Sicily thereafter.

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How is Mafia in the 1920's

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Guided by a code of escort called Omerta, the Mafia has speedily become an assosication fully covering the law. The mob forced the code to be against justice, and also avoid any touch with her.In the early twentieth century, some members of this assosication migrated to North America, specifically to the United States, thus spreading internationally clandestine criminal organizations.

Over time, the U.S. Became the town of all crimes of the Mafia, since this country was restricting gambling and alcohol, which led to a large smuggling.The history of the Mafia has served to understand the source, structure, functioning and operate mechanisms of criminal organizations, which has been a useful tool to study how they operate smugglers, murderers and drug cartels in the world more dangerous.

From 1920 began the golden age for international gangsters. Sicilian criminals soon found followers worldwide, prompting the assosication of organized crime groups in China, Russia, Cuba and the United States. The latter country was the beloved of these criminals, because it could in fact be corrupted, to perform any illegal act at the time.

Here are the most paramount gangsters:

Al Capone (1899-1947).

He is also known as Scarface. It was the most foremost representation as to the history of the Mafia is concerned. It was noted for having the dirtiest enterprise in the city of Chicago and for hosting the worst wars between the gangs of mobsters. By 1925, Al Capone became the owner of the Chicago underworld and his fortune amounted to one hundred million dollars. He was persecuted by the law for years, but his potential to corrupt evaded any justice.
Without clutch, after many years of persecution, Al Capone was caught for tax evasion and sentenced to eleven years in prison. He was transferred to Alcatraz federal prison and was granted after eight years parole.

Johnny Torrio (1882-1957).

Famous for his illegal enterprise escort in a violent manner, this criminal was a mentor to Al Capone and a leader within the hierarchy of the gangster. In 1924 he had been shot while fighting another band.

Dutch Schultz (1902-1935).

It was called the Beer Capo, for conducting all negotiations of this drink smuggled into New York City. He was killed by the justice of this city for being a threat to the district attorneys.

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Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens

Nursing Homes Nyc - Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens Sponser Links The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens. And the content related to Nursing Homes Nyc.

Do you know about - Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens

Nursing Homes Nyc! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Who says grannies and grandpas cannot have all the fun they can get? Well, you might find it a bit tantalizing to play a unquestionably great part for senior citizens but it is definitely possible. Just remember that it should be about them and what they like. To give you an idea, here are some of the best and top five creative and fun party ideas for senior citizens which you may want to try:

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How is Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens

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1. Guess that baby - If it's possible, you can ask all the attendees of the party to bring in a picture of themselves back when they were still a baby. But if it's too much to ask and there's just no way for them to get as far back as that well, maybe an teenage picture or a toddler one will do. You can place a wall for this while the party where they can pin their pictures on or have it located inside a fishbowl and then let them gain a piece to guess as you guys begin to play it.

2. Concert - everyone loves music. If you want to see them groove and belt it out wholeheartedly then creating a concert with a definite theme or with an tantalizing prize would do the trick. Let them group themselves or enter individually, doing either a song, dance or even a song and dance estimate to entertain the party and give it more life.

3. Play Jeopardy - Or if the oldies are not so much customary with this one, you can already stick with using a game show format showcasing questions on trivia. You can pick entertainment topics like songs, movies, and celebrities which belong to the era that the senior citizens attending the said party will be customary with.

4. Invent a bingo night - This is a good alternative if you have senior citizens who would need to be in wheel chairs or aid as they attend the party. This way they would unquestionably get to enjoy the night without the need of worrying who will be assisting them. Plus, a bingo night can also be created around a sure theme. You can spice it up whichever way it would be more applicable for the time of the occasion and also for the attendees.

5. Have an auction party - You can ask the attendees to bring in some considerable items that they would like to auction off. You can turn it into a real auction party, with the proceeds going for some charitable convention or for the benefit of the attendees themselves. You can also add a fun twist to this auction proceedings and make it one of the games in the senior citizen party. everyone would unquestionably marvel at some of the most classic valuables that these citizen would be able to bring.

In the end you need to make sure that the ideas you will turn into reality will be appreciated by the attendees. It would also be a best idea to know the condition of the party-goers to make sure you have a comfortable place where the party will be held.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Nursing Can Be A Rewarding work

Rehab Nursing Home - Nursing Can Be A Rewarding work The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Nursing Can Be A Rewarding work. And the content associated with Rehab Nursing Home.

Do you know about - Nursing Can Be A Rewarding work

Rehab Nursing Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A vocation in nursing can be rewarding and exciting. Many habitancy think that a nursing degree is not as respected as a healing school degree. It is leading to realize that nurses are needed in growing numbers throughout the Us. Nurses take care of patients and do a fairly large whole of the bodily work involved. Nurses give shots, administer medication, and monitor and convert Ivs.

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How is Nursing Can Be A Rewarding work

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Nurses are educated in nursing school prior to getting a job. The early years of nursing school focus on beginner subjects such as how to wash hands properly and how to give a shop. As nurses improve straight through their education, they are placed into clinical settings to fetch real hands on experience. Once school is finished, nurses apply for jobs in their desired area. Because nurses are around a lot of medications, a drug test is regularly required prior to acceptance of a job. Nurses can specialize in areas such as renal therapy, urgency room nursing, or surgical nursing. The specialties available are endless.

There are a lot of options available in the nursing field. Hospitals contribute thousands of jobs to nurses. There is also the selection of a doctor's office or nursing home. Nurses are needed for secret home care. Nurses are also on staff at schools. The benefit of getting a nursing job at a school is three months off while the summer months.

There are many great things about the nursing field. Nurses are not stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day staring at a computer. Nurses get to interact with many distinct habitancy on a daily basis. Some nursing jobs involve working longer shift for three days a week and having a long weekend in between. The pay is not bad for a nurse and many places are always hiring new nurses. Most nurses wear scrubs to work which can be very comfortable and stylish.

There are also a few downsides to a vocation in nursing. Nurses are always around sick people, therefore they have a greater risk of becoming sick themselves. Sick habitancy also tend to be cranky and nurses have to deal with angry patients with a smile. Some doctors may treat nurses with miniature respect. Nursing is considered by some habitancy to be a woman's field. habitancy may treat male nurses differently. Nurses have to deal with the reality that some of their patients will die no matter how much they nurture them. Nurses also may get attached to a inpatient in a hospital setting, only to never see them again after they are released. Nurses have to clean up after patients who have diarrhea or urinary accidents. They have to convert bloody bandages. Some of the things they see are descriptive and upsetting. Nursing is not for the weak at heart.

A vocation in nursing is rewarding, but it is not without its challenges. A nurse may not find her niche right away. With a miniature taste and experimentation, a nurse can find the most convenient job placement available to her.

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Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul

### Bronx Center - Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul.###
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul.

Do you know about - Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul

Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Bronx Center . You check this out article for information on what you wish to know is Bronx Center .

How is Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul

Billy Bland - I Cross My Heart - Great Early 60's Mid Tempo R&B / Northern Soul Video Clips. Duration : 2.77 Mins.

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Monday, July 23, 2012


### Bronx Center - ALMA MOYO, BOMBA DANCERS PART 5.###
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Do you know about - ALMA MOYO, BOMBA DANCERS PART 5

Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Bronx Center . You see this article for information about that need to know is Bronx Center .


ALMA MOYO, BOMBA DANCERS PART 5 Tube. Duration : 5.83 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from these details Bronx Center . RANIEL1963 FOTOS fiveprime.org www.myspace.com About Alma Moyo Alma Moyó is an Afro-Boricua musical group dedicated to the preservation of Puerto Rico's oldest living African musical and cultural tradition, la bomba. Founded in 2002 under the musical direction of Alex LaSalle from Moca, Puerto Rico, the groups 17 members are a talented mix of musicians, educators and historians dedicated to empowering people of the African Diaspora by sharing Borinquens potent legacy of Bomba music, the primarily Bantu/Kongo derived African music of Puerto Rico. Closely related to the music of gwoka from Guadaloupe, bele/ lewoz from Martinique, and the bomba from Ecuador, tumba francesa from Cuba, Haitis boumba, and many others. Bringing together different generations of Puerto Rican and Caribbean musicians, Alma Moyó represents the next movement in pan-Caribbean musical expression. Dedicated primarily to preserving and promoting awareness of the vast diversity that exists within the Afro-Puerto Rican bomba tradition, Alma Moyó seeks to honor the multi-root origin of bomba by honoring the unique fusion of African and Afro-Caribbean elements that blend to create bomba on the island of Puerto Rico. Alma Moyó brings to light the often marginalized musical variation of Bomba from the western part of the island, including Moca, Aguadilla, Aguada, and especially Mayaguez, where it is said that all of Puerto Ricos bomba originates. This all-inclusive group also pays homage to the traditions from ...
I hope you get new knowledge about Bronx Center . Where you may offer utilization in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is Bronx Center . View Related articles related to Bronx Center . I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share ALMA MOYO, BOMBA DANCERS PART 5.

Hiv-Aids - Immunity, Eradication and Its Disappearing Victims

Nursing Homes Nyc - Hiv-Aids - Immunity, Eradication and Its Disappearing Victims
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Hiv-Aids - Immunity, Eradication and Its Disappearing Victims. And the content related to Nursing Homes Nyc.

Do you know about - Hiv-Aids - Immunity, Eradication and Its Disappearing Victims

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Human immunodeficiency virus (Hiv), the retrovirus responsible for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Aids) has been around since between 1884 and 1924 (while lentiviruses, the genus to which Hiv belongs, have existed for over 14 million years) when it entered the human people from a chimpanzee in southeastern Cameroon during a period of rapid urbanization. At the time, no one noticed nor knew that it would succeed in one of the deadliest pandemics. Nor was anyone aware that some would possess a natural immunity, a cure would remain elusive a decade into the 21st century, and a essential amount of deceased victims would be purged from mortality statistics distorting the pandemic's severity.

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How is Hiv-Aids - Immunity, Eradication and Its Disappearing Victims

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As the amount of cases spread from Cameroon to neighboring countries, namely the Democratic Republic of Congo (Drc), Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and the Central African Republic, they drew minuscule attention even as victims died in scattered numbers from a series of complications (e.g. Pneumocystis pneumonia (Pcp), Kaposi's sarcoma, etc.) later attributed to Aids. This was likely because of Africa's minuscule interaction with the industrialized world until the unabridged use of air travel, the isolated, low incidence of cases, Hiv's long incubation period (up to 10 years) before the onset of Aids, and the absence of technology, reliable testing methods and knowledge surrounding the virus. The earliest confirmed case based on Zr59, a blood sample taken from a patient in Kinshasha, Drc dates back to 1959.

The outbreak of Aids finally gained attention on June 5, 1981 after the U.S. Centers for Disease operate (Cdc) detected a mass of deaths from Pcp in Los Angeles and New York City. By August 1982, as the incidence of cases spread, the Cdc referred to the outbreak as Aids. The responsible retrovirus, Hiv, was isolated nearly a year later (May 1983) by researchers from the Pasteur build in France and given its lawful name in May 1986 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. during this period, Hiv-related mortality rates rose steadily in the United States peaking in 1994-1995.


Hiv is rotund in shape and roughly 120 nanometers (nm) in diameter (or 60 times smaller than a red blood cell). It is composed of two copies of single-stranded convoluted Rna surrounded by a conical capsid and lipid membrane that prevents antibodies from binding to it. Hiv also consists of glycoprotein (gp120 and gp41) spikes and is a highly mutating virus. Its genome changes by as much as 1% each year, significantly faster than "killer" cytotoxic T-Cells (Cd8+) can adapt. It is transmitted through bodily fluids.

Per Cd4 Cell Tests (Fact Sheet amount 124, Aids InfoNet, 21 March 2009), when "Hiv infects humans" it infects "helper" T-4 (Cd4) cells that are essential in resisting infections. Hiv does so by merging its genetic code with that of T-4 (Cd4) cells. Hiv's spikes stick to the surface of T-4 (Cd4) cells enabling its viral envelope to fuse with their membrane. Once fused, Hiv pastes its contents into the Dna of T-4 (Cd4) cells with the enzyme, integrase, so that each time T-4 (Cd4) cells replicate, they furnish further "copies of Hiv," reducing the count of wholesome T-4 (Cd4) cells. Then as wholesome T-4 (Cd4) cells, which come in millions of families geared towards specific pathogens are eliminated, the body is rendered defenseless against the pathogens "they were designed" to fight until ultimately, the immune law is overwhelmed.

When the T-4 (Cd4) cell count drops below 200 cells per cubic mm of blood (or a percentage of? 14% of total lymphocytes; general counts range from 500-1600 or 30%-60% of lymphocytes), indicative of serious immune law damage, the victim is deemed to have Aids ("the end point of an infection that is continuous, progressive and pathogenic per Richard Hunt, Md (Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Aids Statistics, Virology - part 7, Microbiology and Immunology On-line (University of South Carolina School of Medicine, 23 February 2010)) and is vulnerable to a multitude of opportunistic infections. Examples are Pcp, a fungal infection that is a major killer of Hiv-positive persons, Kaposi's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that attacks the brain and other parts of the body and cryptococcosis, a fungal infection that attacks the brain and spinal cord (both regularly occur when the T-4 (Cd4) cell count drops below 100), and mycobacterium avium complicated (Mac), a bacterial infection that can be localized to a specific organ (usually the bone marrow, intestines, liver, or lungs) or widespread, in which case it is referred to as disseminated mycobacterium avium complicated (Dmac) (which often occurs when the T-4 (Cd4) cell count drops below 50).

Natural Immunity:

Since the onset of the Hiv/Aids pandemic in 1981 cases of people with a natural immunity to Hiv have been documented. Although these persons, called long-term non-progressors (Ltnps) are infected with Hiv, they never build Aids. When Ltnps are infected, some suffer an preliminary drop in their T-4 (Cd4) cell count. However, when their T-4 (Cd4) cell count reaches around 500 it stabilizes and never drops again preventing the onset of Aids. Furthermore, while Cd8+ T-Cells (even in large numbers) are ineffective against Hiv-infected T-4 (Cd4) cells in progressors (persons without a natural immunity to Hiv), the National Institutes of health (Nih) reported in a December 4, 2008 press publish that "Cd8+ T-Cells taken from Ltnps [can efficiently] kill Hiv-infected cells in less than [an] hour" in which "a protein, perforin (produced only in negligible amounts in progressors), man-made by their Cd8+ T-Cells punches holes in the infected cells" enabling a second protein, "granzyme B" to drill and kill them.

Per Genetic Hiv Resistance Deciphered (Med-Tech, 7 January 2005) the roots of this immunity dates back a thousand years due to "a pair of mutated genes - one in each chromosome - that forestall their immune cells from developing [Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 (Ccr5) receptors] that let [Hiv penetrate]." This mutation likely evolved to provide added security against smallpox agreeing to Alison Galvani, professor of epidemiology at Yale University. Based on the most recent scientific evidence, the mutated Ccr5 gene (also called delta 32 because of the absence or deletion of 32 amino acids from its cytokine receptor) placed in Th2 cells, industrialized in Scandinavia and progressed southward to central Asia as the Vikings expanded their influence. Consequently up to 1% of Northern Europeans (with Swedes being in the majority) followed by a similar percentage of Central Asians have this mutation, which if inherited from both parents provides them total immunity while another 10-15% of Northern Europeans and Central Asians having inherited the mutation from one parent exhibit greater resistance in lieu of complete immunity to Hiv.

At the same time, even though the Ccr5 mutation is absent in Africans, a small also exhibit percentage natural immunity (possibly industrialized through exposure) to Hiv/Aids - Cd8+ T-Cell generation that effectively kills Hiv-infected cells and mutated human leukocyte group A (Hla) antigens that coat the surface of their T-4 (Cd4) cells to forestall Hiv from penetrating based on an intensive study of 25 Nairobi prostitutes who per The phenomenal Cases of people with Natural Immunity against Hiv (Softpedia, 27 June 2007) have "had sex with hundreds, possibly thousands of Hiv-positive clients" and shown no sign of contracting Hiv.

In addition, people with larger numbers of the Ccl3L1 gene that produces cytokines (proteins that "gum" up Ccr5 receptors) to forestall Hiv from entering their T-4 (Cd4) cells, per Genetic Hiv Resistance Deciphered have greater resistance to Hiv in comparison to others within their ethnic group that possess lesser quantities of the Ccl3L1 gene and get "sick as much as 2.6 times faster."

At the same time, up to 75% of newborn babies also possess natural immunity (for reasons still not known) when exposed to Hiv-positive blood. Although born with Hiv antibodies - thus Hiv-positive, newborns "usually lose Hiv antibodies acquired from their Hiv-positive mothers within 12-16 - maximum 18 months," in which their "spontaneous loss of [Hiv] antibodies" without healing intervention is called seroreversion. "However, with the exception of very few instances, these infants are not Hiv-infected" conclusive proof of a natural immunity to Hiv.[1] Furthermore, when pregnant Hiv-positive women are administered highly active antiretroviral therapy (Haart), which lowers the viral attention of Hiv in their blood, an phenomenal 97% of their newborns lose their Hiv antibodies through seroreversion to come to be Hiv-free per the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National build of Child health and Human amelioration (Nichd) as posted under lookout Monitoring for Art Toxicities Study in Hiv-Uninfected Children Born to Hiv-Infected Mothers (Smartt) (Clinical Trials.gov, 29 March 2008). However, at this time, it is not known if these newborns withhold their natural immunity throughout their lives.


With a cure possibly unattainable, eradication of Hiv/Aids in the same way as smallpox (with no cure) was eliminated, may be the most feasible option. agreeing to Dr. Brian Williams of the South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis, eradication of Hiv/Aids is an achievable goal that could be attained by 2050 if the current Hiv/Aids study paradigm is changed from focus on seeing a cure to stopping transmission.

Per Dr. Williams such an effort would require testing billions of people annually. Though costly, the benefits would exceed the costs "from day one" agreeing to the South African epidemiologist. anyone found with Hiv antibodies would immediately be administered antiretroviral therapy (which reduces Hiv attention 10,000-fold and infectiousness 25-fold) to halt transmission, effectively ending such transmission by 2015 and eliminating the disease by 2050 as most carriers die out, agreeing to his estimate. The fancy for this optimism, per Steve Connor, Aids: is the end in sight? (The Independent, 22 February 2010), is a "study published in 2008 [that] showed it is theoretically inherent to cut new Hiv cases by 95%, from a prevalence of 20 per 1,000 to 1 per 1,000, within 10 years of implementing a programme [sic] of universal testing and prescription of [Ha]Art drugs."

Even though clinical trials to test Dr. Williams' vision will start in 2010 in Somkhele, South Africa, way to Haart still needs to be improved greatly to purge the disease. Presently only about 42% of Hiv-positive people have way to Haart.

Furthermore, for eradication efforts to succeed, stoppage programs (which currently reach fewer than 1 in 5 in sub-Saharan Africa, the epicenter of the pandemic where the average life-expectancy has fallen below 40 leaving about 15 million children orphaned) will have to continue to play an essential role in stopping transmission. Such programs though not minuscule to, must consist of abstinence, condom distribution, instruction re: transmission, safe sex, etc., and needle distribution to drug users (the latter which is badly lacking agreeing to Kate Kelland, Failure to aid drug users drives Hiv spread: study (Reuters, 1 March 2010) with "more than 90% of the world's 16 million injecting drug users offered no help to avoid contracting Aids" despite the fact that such users often share needles and roughly 18.75% are believed to be Hiv-positive).

Proof that such efforts can work is evident when the President's emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar) created in 2003 for Africa that provides funding focused on Haart and palliative care for Hiv/Aids patients, Hiv/Aids awareness instruction and stoppage programs (condoms, needle-exchanges, and abstinence) and financial aid to care for the pandemic's orphans and other vulnerable children, is considered. Per Michael Smith, Pepfar Cut Aids Death Rate in African Nations (Med Page Today, 6 April 2009), the schedule "averted about 1.1 million deaths [from 2004-2007]... A 10% allowance compared to neighboring African countries."

The "Disappearing" Victims:

Despite fancy for optimism based on Dr. Williams' vision of eradication, the "disappearance" of Hiv/Aids victims is highly disturbing. In fact, when current statistics are compared to past statistics, more than 19 million victims or triple the amount of murdered Holocaust victims (1933-1945) have been purged from the lawful narrative (effectively minimizing the severity of the pandemic) without as much as a whimper of protest, possibly because demographically speaking, a statistically-significant amount of the deceased fall into groups that have been and continue to be the subjects of racial, gender, cultural, and even religious discrimination. In the words of Charles King, an activist who spoke in San Francisco on World Aids Day in 2007, it is likely because Hiv/Aids has generally "taken the lives of people deemed expendable"[2] the same mentality used to justify Hitler's "Final Solution" and other pogroms.

Back on January 25, 2002 in Aids Death Toll 'Likely' to Surpass That of Bubonic Plague, specialist Says in British healing Journal special Issue on Hiv/Aids (Kaiser Network), it was written, "Aids - which has already killed 25 million people worldwide - will overtake the bubonic plague as the 'world's worst pandemic' if the 40 million people currently infected with Hiv do not get way to life-prolonging drugs..."

A year earlier, Unaids listed the global death toll as 21.8 million with an growth of 3.2 million in 2002. By 2003, based on statistics reported by the World health club (Who), Unaids, and U.S. Census Bureau as tabulated in The Global Hiv/Aids Epidemic: Current & hereafter Challenges by Jennifer Kates, M.A., M.P.A., Director Hiv Policy, Kaiser house Foundation the global death toll had risen to 28 million by February 2003. Add every year mortality statistics of 3 million (2003), 3.1 million (2004 and 2005), 2.9 million (2006), 2.1 million (2007), and 2 million (2008, the most new complete year of reporting) per Unaids, and an estimated, conservative total of 1.4 million (if another 28% decline as occurred between 2006 and 2007 took place between 2008 and 2009) the global death toll for year-end 2009 would be roughly 45.6 million. Yet, when Unaids released its most recent narrative in November 2009 as reported in the Mail & Guardian (South Africa, 24 November 2009) the worldwide death toll through 2008 was listed as "passing 25 million," roughly 19.2 million below the actual mark.

Per Aids cases drop due to revised data (Msnbc, 19 November 2007), the "disappearing" victims can be attributed to "a new methodology." While this may make sense with regard to prevalence since "[p]revious Aids numbers were largely based on the numbers of infected pregnant women at clinics, as well as projecting the Aids rates of distinct high-risk groups like drug users to the entire people at risk" versus the new methodology that incorporates data from "national household surveys," it does not with regard to mortality figures which are calculated primarily from national Aids registries and/or death certificates based on the presence of Hiv, T-4 (Cd4) cell counts below 200, and death caused by opportunistic Aids-related infections resulting from such low T-4 (Cd4) cell counts.

In retrospect, when viewing the approximate 45.6 million figure, few pandemics have killed more than Hiv/Aids - Smallpox (which had come in waves since 430 Bc until the World health club (Who) certified its eradication in 1979), killed 300-500 million, Black Death/Bubonic Plague killed roughly 75 million from 1340-1771, and Spanish Influenza killed between 40-50 million from 1918-1919.

Optimism for the Future:

Until Hiv/Aids can be certified as eradicated by the Who, despite the terrible economic toll it has taken, especially on sub-Saharan Africa (due to lost skills, shrinking workforces, rising healing costs) and other developing regions and its devastating toll in human lives and on families, there is fancy for optimism.

As of December 2008, per Unaids, 33.4 million people are infected with Hiv, a 1.2% growth from a year earlier with much of the rise attributed to a declining mortality rate due to a 10-fold growth in availability of Haart since 2004. About 2.7 million persons were newly infected in 2008, 18% and 30% decreases in new Hiv infections globally since 2001 and 1996, respectively. In another promising sign, new Hiv infections in sub-Saharan Africa, responsible for about 70% of all Hiv/Aids-related deaths in 2008, has fallen by 15% since 2001. At the same time, there were roughly 2 million Hiv/Aids-related deaths in 2008, a 35% allowance from 2004 levels when the global mortality rate peaked.

Presently, the Hiv/Aids pandemic has begun to decline or stabilize in most parts of the world. Declines have been recorded in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia (although the mortality rate is expanding in East Asia) while the pandemic has stabilized in the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and Western and Central Europe. The only part of the world where the Hiv/Aids pandemic is worsening is the Eastern European (especially in Ukraine and Russia) and Central Asian region.

The declines should continue as new methods of stoppage and medicine are developed. Based on studies of Nltps, a new class of treatments focused on genetic therapy to delete the essential 32 amino acids from Ccr5 receptors, elicit perforin and granzyme B production, and build protease inhibitors to provide immunity to Hiv and halt its spread may be industrialized in the future.

Though still a long way off and potentially very high-priced (up to ,000 per treatment), Drugs.com Med News reported in Gene Therapy Shows Promise Against Hiv (19 February 2010) that when researchers removed immune cells from eight Hiv-infected persons, modified their genetic code and reinserted them, the "levels of Hiv fell below the unbelievable levels in seven of the eight patients [with] signs of the virus disappear[ing] altogether in one" even though Haart medicine was halted. A study by Ucla Aids build researchers, which removed Ccr5 receptors by "transplanting a small Rna molecule known as short hairpin Rna (shRna), which induced Rna interference into human stem cells to inhibit the expression of Ccr5 in human immune cells" mimicking those of Ltnps through the use of "a humanized mouse model," as reported on February 26, 2010 in healing News Today in Gene-Based Stem Cell Therapy Specifically Removes Cell Receptor That Attracts Hiv, showed similar success in that it resulted in a "stable, long-term allowance of Ccr5."

At the same time, as announced in Hiv/Aids drug puzzle cracked (Kate Kelland, Reuters, 1 February 2010), British and U.S. Scientists succeeded (after 40,000 unsuccessful attempts) in growing a crystal to decipher the buildings of integrase, an enzyme found in Hiv and other retroviruses. This will lead to a better understanding how integrase-inhibitor drugs work and possibly to a more effective generation of treatments that could impede Hiv from pasting a copy of its genetic code in the Dna of victims' T-4(Cd4) cells.

Likewise, per buildings of Hiv coat may help build new drugs (Health News, 13 November 2009) scientists from the University of Pittsburgh School of medicine "unraveled the complicated structure" of the capsid coat (viewing its "overall shape and atomic details") "surrounding Hiv" that could enable "scientists to build therapeutic compounds" to block infection.

At the same time, researchers at the University of Texas healing School may have finally discovered Hiv's vulnerability, per Achilles Heel of Hiv Uncovered (Ani, July 2008) - "a tiny stretch of amino acids numbered 421-433 on gp120" that must remain constant to attach to T-4 (Cd4) cells. To conceal its infirmity and evade an effective immune response, Hiv tricks the body into attacking its mutating regions, which turn so rapidly, ineffective antibodies are produced until the immune law is overwhelmed. Based on this finding, the researchers have created an abzyme (an antibody with catalytic or helpful enzymatic activity) derived from blood samples taken from Hiv-negative people with lupus (a chronic autoimmune disease that can charge any part of the body - skin, joints, and/or organs) and Hiv-positive Ltnps, which has proven potent in neutralizing Hiv in lab tests, thus contribution promise of developing an effective vaccine or microbicide (gel to safe against sexual transmission). Although human clinical trials are to follow, it might not be until 2015 or 2020 before abzymatic treatments are available.

Elsewhere, International Aids Vaccine Initiative (Iavi) scientists recently isolated two antibodies from a Nltp Hiv-positive African patient - Pg9 and Pg16 (called broadly neutralizing antibodies (Bnabs) that bind to Hiv's viral spike composed of gp120 and gp41 to block the virus from infecting T-4 (Cd4) cells. Per Monica Hoyos Flight, A new beginning point for Hiv vaccine build (Nature Reviews, MacMillan Publishers Limited, November 2009) "Pg9 and Pg16, when tested against a larger panel of viruses [Hiv] neutralized 127 and 116 viruses, respectively" providing further hopes for developing an effective vaccine and novel medicine regimens that induce the body to furnish Bnabs, which currently only the immune law of Nltps can create.

At the same time, studies of newborn seroreversion and medically induced production of human leukocyte group A (Hla) antigens that coat the surface of T-4 (Cd4) cells could also ultimately lead to anti-Hiv vaccine that could safe billions of people.

In the meantime until such developments bear fruit, Haart (despite its mild side effects such as nausea and headaches in some and serious to life-threatening side effects in others) has proven to be highly effective in containing Hiv with, per Gerald Pierone Jr., Md in The End of Hiv Drug amelioration as We Know It? (The Body Pro: The Hiv resource for health Professionals, 18 February 2010) reporting, "about 80% of patients [receiving Haart] reach an undetectable viral load." Furthermore, greater way to antiretrovirals, per Drop in Hiv infections and deaths (Bbc News, 24 November 2009) "has helped cut the death toll from Hiv by more than 10%" from 2004-2008 and saved more than 3 million lives based on Unaids and Who statistics. Haart has also cut the age-adjusted mortality rate by more than 70% agreeing to Kaiser house Foundation's July 2007 Hiv/Aids course Fact Sheet, because of its effectiveness in delaying and even preventing the onset of Aids.

Despite Haart's cost (,000-,000 per patient per year), the State of California in a narrative titled, Hiv/Aids in California, 1981-2008 called it "dramatic and life-saving" especially since early intervention results in greater mean T-4 (Cd4) cell counts translating into fewer opportunistic infections and deaths. It also results in real cost savings because of the strong inverse connection between T-4 (Cd4) cell counts and linked healing expenses.

In conclusion, despite Hiv/Aids' "disappearing" victims, there is fancy for optimism. study over the last year has offered several promising leads - the basal cause of Nltps' immunity has been discovered, the buildings of the Hiv virus solved, and its weak point found - while improved way to Haart and Hiv/Aids instruction and stoppage measures (with the exception of addressing intravenous drug users) have made essential inroads in reducing infection and mortality rates buying victims further years and an enhanced capability of life.


[1] Orapun Metadilogkul, Vichai Jirathitikal, and Aldar S. Bourinbalar. Serodeconversion of Hiv Antibody-Positive Aids Patients Following medicine with V-1 Immunitor. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 7 September 2008.

[2] Michael Crawford. Aids: Where is Our Rage? The Bilerico Project. 2 December 2007. 28 February 2010. Http://www.bilerico.com/2007/12/aids_where_is_our_rage.php

Additional Source:

Wikipedia. 24-28 February 2010. Http://en.wikipedia.org/

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MTA Bus/NYC Bus Pelham Bay

### Bronx Center - MTA Bus/NYC Bus Pelham Bay.###
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How is MTA Bus/NYC Bus Pelham Bay

MTA Bus/NYC Bus Pelham Bay Video Clips. Duration : 4.83 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from that guy Bronx Center . Note: Theirs 4 single vids combine into one. 1st vid is Orion V CNG NIS Bus #9959 & Orion V QBx1 #6014 both makes a U turn around the Bruckner Blvd. 2nd vid is New Flyer D60HF Artic Bx12SBS #5741 quickly mades that tuned on Bruckner Blvd 3rd vid is New Flyer D60HF Artic Bx12SBS # 5737 leaves its bus stop and turns along with New Flyer D60HF Artic Bx12 #5325 & Orion V CNG QBx1 #7253 with Orange LED all turning on Bruckner Blvd. 4th vid is Orion V Bx5 leaves Pelham Bay along with MCI D4500CL BxM7A #3368, New Flyer D60HF Artic #5756 & Orion VII NG HEV Bx29 Bus #4060 all leaving Pelham Bay and turning around Bruckner Blvd Please add the following people that was with me during the making of this video JamaicaQnzFreak, Caitsith810, TuneRVisioN510, RokuSix and Watchthetube2140 Please subscribe to their videos www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Please enjoy the video and stay tuned for more videos
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NYC Haunts

### Bronx Center - NYC Haunts.###
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How is NYC Haunts

NYC Haunts Tube. Duration : 4.90 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from A cool way to improve Bronx Center . www.nypl.org What happens when you pass on? What stories do you leave behind? What tales does your neighborhood hide? What story will you tell? Students from Global Kids's afterschool program at MS 391 worked with The New York Public Library to find stories and people in the Fordham area. Exploring the neighborhood with iPad 2s in hand, the students created a trek in SCVNGR, a social location based gaming platform. They then challenged teens from the Bronx Library Center to complete the NYC Haunts trek.
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distinct Types of Nurse Practitioner Specialists

Rehab Nursing Home - distinct Types of Nurse Practitioner Specialists
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Rehab Nursing Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The healing field is one that is wide and as many people have assumed, is not limited to just doctors and surgeons but consist of nurse practitioners as well. What we often fail to comprehend is that nurses don't just play a small role but are a vital asset to any practicing healing association. Also, if you didn't know, there are discrete titles for nurses just like there are for surgeons as they don't all play the same role.

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How is distinct Types of Nurse Practitioner Specialists

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehab Nursing Home.

Different nurses work in distinct sectors fluctuating from adult health, house health, pediatric health, geriatric condition right down to neonatal care,school and college condition women's condition or midwifery along with psychiatric and reasoning condition departments. With the many distinct sectors available, specialist for each has also emerged, giving each private the opening to do what they like best.

Among the many is house Np. They make a rough figure of ,000 annually and work colse to house cases and help evaluate non life threatening and non persisting patients. They also prescribe bodily therapy and other resumption services to patients but are more devoted to providing prenatal care and house planning counseling and advice.

Besides that, there also is acute care Np who's salaries can go up to ,000 per year. Their jobs include assessing patients condition charts and dealing with care for garage patients who are chronically ill. Also, they participate in clinical research and contribute diseases and condition preventions services as well.

Furthermore, there is the specialization in significant care for nurses with passion for merging care and cure. Their jobs revolve colse to stabilizing patients who are in serious conditions with life threatening diseases or who are critically ill. Salaries for this area of nursing would be about 3,000 which is much more that most other areas as this requires a lot more work, instruction and patience as well.

There are many other types of Np sectors such as nurse practitioner geriatric, psychiatric nurse practitioners, nurse practitioners physician's assistant, and correctional faculty nurse and so on. If you have got the interest to added your studies in nursing, know that it is not limited to general work but do have its specializations as well.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Who is ICON? (Episode 2) Insane Freestyles + Interview

### Bronx Center - Who is ICON? (Episode 2) Insane Freestyles + Interview.###
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Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Bronx Center . You look at this article for information on that want to know is Bronx Center .

How is Who is ICON? (Episode 2) Insane Freestyles + Interview

Who is ICON? (Episode 2) Insane Freestyles + Interview Video Clips. Duration : 13.25 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from additional hints Bronx Center . Bronx native, ICON, is a rapper who has never feared being the center of attention. He was born to be in the spotlight. With every clever verse he is gradually captivating the minds of fans from all across NYC. With this series entitled "Who is ICON?", we hope to not only attract more fans from within NYC, but fans from all across America. If you want to see more from ICON and especially hear more from him, please SUBSCRIBE :)
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La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012

### Bronx Center - La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012.###
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012.

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How is La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012

La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012 Video Clips. Duration : 6.63 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from what do you think Bronx Center . La Cuica - Raphy Leavitt y Orquesta La Selecta 40 Años - Lehman Center Bronx - NY 01-21-2012 Las Cosas no son del dueño sino del que las necesita.
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Woodlawn Cemetery Workers Stand Up And Speak Out On Martin Luther King Day

### Bronx Center - Woodlawn Cemetery Workers Stand Up And Speak Out On Martin Luther King Day.###
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How is Woodlawn Cemetery Workers Stand Up And Speak Out On Martin Luther King Day

Woodlawn Cemetery Workers Stand Up And Speak Out On Martin Luther King Day Video Clips. Duration : 11.20 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from top article Bronx Center . Martin Luther King Day, January 17th was honored in the Bronx with a protest of viciously racist and anti-worker/anti-union policies of the Woodlawn Cemetery in a united Community-Labor struggle led by the Band of Brothers and Teamsters Local 808.
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Prince Royce at Lehman Performing Arts Center (Bronx) Friday Nov 12 by NecioTV.com

### Bronx Center - Prince Royce at Lehman Performing Arts Center (Bronx) Friday Nov 12 by NecioTV.com.###
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How is Prince Royce at Lehman Performing Arts Center (Bronx) Friday Nov 12 by NecioTV.com

Prince Royce at Lehman Performing Arts Center (Bronx) Friday Nov 12 by NecioTV.com Tube. Duration : 6.02 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from my response Bronx Center . Prince Royce at Lehman Performing Arts Center (Bronx) Friday Nov 12 by neciotv.com
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Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1

### Bronx Center - Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1.###
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1.

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Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Bronx Center . You look at this article for information about a person want to know is Bronx Center .

How is Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1

Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1 Tube. Duration : 5.12 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from her explanation Bronx Center .
I hope you have new knowledge about Bronx Center . Where you can put to used in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is Bronx Center . View Related articles related to Bronx Center . I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Alfonso del Rio Training in Star Fitness Bronx Victor Martinez & Sergio Fernandez 1.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts

### Bronx Center - African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts.###
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts.

Do you know about - African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts

Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Bronx Center . You see this article for information on an individual need to know is Bronx Center .

How is African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts

African American Legends: Evelyn Jones Rich, president, Labor Arts Video Clips. Duration : 27.33 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from the original source Bronx Center . Taped: 06/01/2011. Evelyn Jones Rich, President of Labor Arts joins host, Roscoe C. Brown Jr. to discuss the future of Labor Arts, a virtual museum designed to gather, identify and display examples of the cultural and artistic history of working people.African-American Legends profiles prominent African-Americans in the arts, in politics, the social sciences, sports, community service, and business. The program is hosted by Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr., Director of the Center for Urban Education Policy at the CUNY Graduate Center, and a former President of Bronx Community College. Watch more at www.cuny.tv/series/aalegends
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### Bronx Center - EVANDER CHILDS BASKETBALL (2010-2011 SEASON).###
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Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Bronx Center . You see this article for info on that want to know is Bronx Center .


EVANDER CHILDS BASKETBALL (2010-2011 SEASON) Video Clips. Duration : 1.52 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from additional hints Bronx Center . 2010-2011 ROSTER. brower, sedrick- Senior G conway, jaquan -Junior Point Guard davis, tyreek -Senior Guard douglas, kadeem -Sophomore forward gibson, marvin -Senior gonzalez, christophe- Junior larmond, jason -Senior PG lynch, george-junior Guard saavedra, alexis -Junior Forward schloss, rodario -Freshman Center sierra, ezekiel Freshman Wing smith, glenroy -Junior PG sykes james Junior Guard thomas, romaine Junior tomkins, asiah- senior center
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African-American Legends: "The Bordentown School," with Dave Davidson and Arthur Symes

### Bronx Center - African-American Legends: "The Bordentown School," with Dave Davidson and Arthur Symes.###
The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination African-American Legends: "The Bordentown School," with Dave Davidson and Arthur Symes.

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Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Bronx Center . You read this article for facts about anyone want to know is Bronx Center .

How is African-American Legends: "The Bordentown School," with Dave Davidson and Arthur Symes

African-American Legends: "The Bordentown School," with Dave Davidson and Arthur Symes Video Clips. Duration : 26.65 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from click here Bronx Center . Dr. Brown is joined by director, Dave Davidson and Bordentown Graduate, Arthur Symes to discuss the documentary, "A Place Out of Time: The Bordentown School."African-American Legends profiles prominent African-Americans in the arts, in politics, the social sciences, sports, community service, and business. The program is hosted by Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr., Director of the Center for Urban Education Policy at the CUNY Graduate Center, and a former President of Bronx Community College. Watch more at www.cuny.tv/series/aalegends.
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Dancing Classrooms (New York City's Best Young Ballroom Dancers)

### Bronx Center - Dancing Classrooms (New York City's Best Young Ballroom Dancers).###
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Dancing Classrooms (New York City's Best Young Ballroom Dancers).

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Bronx Center ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Bronx Center . You check this out article for information about a person need to know is Bronx Center .

How is Dancing Classrooms (New York City's Best Young Ballroom Dancers)

Dancing Classrooms (New York City's Best Young Ballroom Dancers) Tube. Duration : 5.12 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from get redirected here Bronx Center . NYC's best young Ballroom Dancers from Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx and Staten Island at The American Ballroom Theater's Colors of the Rainbow Team Match at the Riverside Church in Harlem (Morningside Heights area) on Tuesday, April 7, 2009. These students were competing to see who is the best borough here in New York--when it comes to Ballroom Dancing. The Colors of the Rainbow Match is the finals for the Winter Semester for this program. 108 fourth and fifth graders from 9 schools in all five boroughs competed against each other to see who is the best borough at Ballroom Dancing. There were 6 couples from each of the 9 schools that competed. Each team competed in the Merengue, Foxtrot,, Rumba, and Swing. Kids from PS 156 in Brooklyn, PS 89 in the Bronx, PS 83 in Manhattan, The Incarnation School in Manhattan, PS 376 in Brooklyn, PS 129 in Queens, PS 175 in Queens, PS 69 in Staten Island, and PS 2 in the Bronx all competed. The top three teams (Gold Medal Winners) will all advance to the Grand Final Competition at the World Financial Center on June 20th, 2009. **The Gold Medal Winners (The Top Three Teams) from the competition were: PS 69 From Staten Island, PS 129 from Queens, and PS 175 from Queens** For more information or to make a donation to this non-proft organization go to www.dancingclassrooms.com or call: (212) 244-9442
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Arabic Tv Channels ready in the Usa

Bronx Center - Arabic Tv Channels ready in the Usa
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Arabic Tv Channels ready in the Usa. And the content related to Bronx Center.

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Bronx Center! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Arabic Tv channels now available in the United States can enhance the viewing satisfaction of many Arab Americans. Retention up with events in their homeland is as easy as turning on the tv. There are a lot of channels available now from Directv and Dish Network. So for those who are not aware of them, I will list the Arabic channels here.

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How is Arabic Tv Channels ready in the Usa

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Bronx Center.

Dish Network

Abu Dhabi is a 24-hour-a-day Arabic-language general entertainment channel, is thought about to be one of the most respected channels in the Middle East. Abu Dhabi offers the Arab-Americans an inspiring lineup of diverse programming including news, current affairs, movies, fashion, sports and much more.

Al Arabiya is a top ranked 24-hour-a-day Pan Arab news channel catering to the Arab audience worldwide. Al Arabiya's news programming includes politics, business, current affairs, finance updates and sports highlights.

Al Jazeera 24-hours-a-day and exclusively on Dish Network, Al Jazeera is the top Arabic news channel in the Middle East that offers news from nearby the world. Al Jazeera has a wide option of documentaries and uncensored political talk shows.

Al Zikr a house oriented radio channel providing 24 hours of cultural programming with focus on history, language, habits and religion. The programming includes live talk shows surface a collection of subjects and events and Al Zikr covers valuable cultural Arab events from many locations in the Arab world linking the Arab and Moslem immigrants with their homeland.

Art America provides a unique blend of Arabic and multi-language programming consisting of mini-series, dramas, movies, sports (live and recorded soccer events directly from the Middle East) and talk shows.

Art Movies features Arabic-language programming from Egypt, Lebanon and separate regions of the Middle East. Art Movies offers newly released and classical movies, mini-series, dramas and talk shows such as "Sahraa."

Art Music radio channel consists of modern and classical Arabic music, talk shows and interviews with new and established performers in the Arabic music industry.

Dandana Tv is a 24-hour-a-day Arabic music video channel broadcast from the U.S. Straight through its hip shows, music videos and coverage of major Arab-American events, Dandana Tv is the pop culture face of the Dish Network Arabic bouquet.

Dubai Satellite Channel offers collection television entertainment from the United Arab Emirates that includes top sporting events, the newest news, movies, documentaries and Tv series.

Dubai Sports is a 24/7 sports channel broadcasting from Dubai. One of the important sports channels in the Arab world due to its distinguished sports programming including highlights of discrete major soccer leagues from separate continents, International speed boat racing, horse racing and more.

Esc-1 live from Egypt, Esc-1 features a wealth of television entertainment including the Egyptian Soccer League, "Good Morning Egypt," collection shows, movies, talk shows, children's programming and much more.

Future Tv offers top-rated Lebanese Tv series, live news, game shows, cartoons, collection shows, house entertainment, soccer matches and much more 24-hours-a-day

Iqraa broadcasted 24-hours-a-day from Egypt, is the first Arabic-language channel that offers religious, media, group and economic programs tailored to the Muslims audience. Iqraa's programming includes documentaries, live talk-shows, dramas, cultural and educational programs.

Lbc The Lebanese Broadcast Channel, will fill your days with movies, sports, mini-series and talk shows such as "Ya Liel Ya Aien."

Mbc Middle East Broadcasting center is a important pan-Arab news and entertainment channel. The channel's schedule offerings consist of general entertainment programs such as "Aalam," comedies such as "Cbm," talk shows including "Kalam," game shows, in-depth news, group programs and children's programming.

Melody Arabia broadcast from Egypt, is the highest viewed 24-hour-a-day Arabic-language music video channel in the Middle East and North Africa. Melody Arabia offers a collection of music programming including video clips from the 80's, 90's, as well as modern releases, many of which are premiered on Melody Arabia and are exclusive to the channel. Melody Arabia is a vast addition to overall entertainment for Arab Americans in the U.S.

Nbn The National Broadcasting Network, is thought about the first 24-hour-a-day specialized news and thematic Tv hub in Lebanon. Nbn prides itself on offering a wide collection of programming with in depth news shows including "Al Masa'iya" which has a very loyal following throughout the Arab World, superior documentaries such as "Ahzab Lubnan," inspiring talk-shows and up to date sports and business programs.

New Tv a 24-hour-a-day Arabic-language hub broadcast from Lebanon, offers a wide range of general entertainment programs including dramas, musicals, news, documentaries, cultural, educational, extra events and general entertainment shows for all generations and ages.

Nile Drama is your option for Egyptian current and superior movies, Tv series and house programming for all ages.

Noursat is the first and only Christian channel from Lebanon and the whole Middle East. Noursat's programming includes talk-shows, documentaries, history, classical musical recitals and group and spiritual programs.

DirecTv Orbit Al-Yawm is a modern Arabic entertainment and collection channel, delivering more than 35 hours of live Orbit productions per week. Al-Yawm offers the smartest fashion tips, intimate beauty care advice, the best recipes, and light-hearted comedy shows. Orbit Al-Yawm top programs consist of Oyoun Beirut and Al-Qahira Al-Yawm.

Orbit Seen (the Series Channel) is the first 24-hour Arabic thematic channel of its kind in the region, featuring the best Arabic Tv series from the Middle East. The Series Channel delivers the widest collection of Tv productions from drama to comedy and from melodrama to historical biography. Orbit Seen features excellent dramas like Kkaled Bin Alwaleed and Sikkat Alhilali.

Rotana Cinema channel is the important movie service in the Middle East. It draws from the largest and richest library of Arabic-language films in the world, as well as cinema news and entertainment programs, including "The Hala Show," hosted by Dr. Hala Sarhan.

Rotana Moossika channel is an Arabic variety/entertainment channel that is dedicated to music videos, programs, concerts and festivals. Rotana Moossika has compiled the largest Arabic music library in the world, and exclusively features some of the top acts from the Arab world, including Amr Diab, Nagwa Karam, George Wassouf, Alissa and Kazem.

Rotana Zaman channel delivers state-of-the-art digitally restored superior Arabic movies to millions of viewers nearby the world. Enjoy the legendary stars and singers - Om Kalthoum, Halim and Fairouz, as well as the beloved schedule "Kashf el Mastour."

So there you have it. 25 separate channels. Entertainment for the whole family, young and old alike. Instead of finding a five tiny clip of news from the Middle East, watch in-depth coverage of the same event. It's like bringing your homeland in to your living room.

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