Wednesday, July 18, 2012

George E Porcell: The Great question Solver

Bronx Center - George E Porcell: The Great question Solver
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination George E Porcell: The Great question Solver. And the content associated with Bronx Center.

Do you know about - George E Porcell: The Great question Solver

Bronx Center! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As I look back at my work in business, it occurs to me that this man has had the many sway on my success. I became amiable with George back in the mid-sixties. His high level of brain was all the time safe bet to me, but I realized how fantastic he was when I started working with him. Together we formed a enterprise called Educational Frontiers whose purpose was to create a schedule for schools centered around the astronauts landing on the moon. George designed a three dimensional relief globe of the moon with a moon map and that with a k-12 study guide was a big hit. I was responsible for the marketing and with the sales force I hired, we embarked on a very prosperous telephone campaign. In point of fact the globe was so exquisite that it was recommended by the Hayden Planetarium and wound up on Walter Cronkite's desk while the moon landing.

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How is George E Porcell: The Great question Solver

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Bronx Center.

Remember, we were working out of a four room apartment in the Bronx with no cell phones, no computers and no fax machines. To give you an idea about the entrepreneurial skills of this man, let me run down the list of businesses that he has created over these past 60 years. In the interest of space, I will cover only some of the highlights because otherwise the list of his accomplishments would be to long. His motto is all the time to fill a need with the best product at the best price presented in the most interesting way. With that said here we go.

He created the multi-colored bus and subway maps for the N.Y.C. Transit system. At the conclusion of the World's Fair in 1964, he developed the account that itemized all the left over items to be sold. Some his other successes were designing furniture that was an award winner and was displayed in Bloomingdales. He's also done specialty doll houses, needlepoint, educational toys, flags for the bi-centennial, convertible motor home furniture and so much more. He holds many patents and he was the pioneer in personal computer training.

I've learned a huge whole from this man about entrepreneurism and valuable thinking.

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