Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where Will We Go From Here, It Just Doesn't Stop

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Rehab Nursing Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I felt compelled to tell you about my year so far. In this year I have taken my life in a new direction adding Internet marketing as a way to raise money need to start a teaching gallery free for students ages 6 to 12. Started my training in March and things were going great, feeling good.

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How is Where Will We Go From Here, It Just Doesn't Stop

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehab Nursing Home.

My son Jon 16 is going on two trips one with the sea scouts and one with the band. Greg my husband wants us to meet in Bermuda at the end to Jon's sailing race for our family vacation. Happy that we will be there for vacation, even though I am not thrilled my 16-year-old is going out into the Atlantic ocean, but I don't want to put my fears of water on him, He actually loves the sea scouts and sailing. So I just go along knowing that God will have his angles surround him and keep him safe.

He went on the band trip and we are getting close to the end of the school year. I don't know why I have a feeling of accident in talking to sure family and friends. I put off working to talk to them on the phone and still felt I was not spending enough time with them. My mother had been ill at my sisters 20th wedding anniversary last weekend, so I was not surprised when my sister started feeling like she was getting a virus. So Wednesday I called to go over the art show schedule, she started with a cough and assured me she would be able to work with me on Sunday.

That Friday I pack the car and called to confirm and she was not much best and I tried to convince her to stay home. The next day was Jon spring concert and I call to see how she was and it was not good. Not even two hours later I got a call from my niece that Mom Is In A Helicopter On Her Way To Geisinger healing town And They Dont Think Shes Going To Make It!

What happen she went from a mild cough Wednesday to fighting for life three days later. So off to the hospital we went for answers. There was my baby sister fight to live and she's on life support. All I can do is pray, and be there to help my niece and mother. When you can't do anything just being there for sustain is doing something. My sister, healthy, happy and alive planing her daughter's wedding and then Boom! She is down and seriously ill.

Leaving the hospital and going home was hard and then all things got even harder. My brother who is a diabetic with a very sick heart has now caught a virus and is at a separate hospital and is in arduous care. What the heck is going on!I can't be in three places at one time and we take Jon to the boat in Annapolis in two days.

I am telling you I have never felt so overwhelmed. Where should I be and how can I do what I have decided? I talked to my brother and told him how much he means to me. I talked to my niece and said " I am here if you need to talk or if things get worse." and I spent the time with my son. We got things ready and the family went down to Annapolis to see him off. With my stomach churning all the way home and I am asking for God to protect him until I would see him again and my son Michael saying " he's happy doing what he loves and makes him happy".

My brother transferred to Hershey healing town and I was able to see him on my way to see my mother and sister before we left to meet up with Jon. My sister was not any best and now we know what she is fighting. Mrsa Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an antibiotic defiant staph infection and it has filled her lungs, she is in big trouble. What should I do? She has not gotten any worse and Dan was on the mend now that he was in Hershey. Things have to get better.

We are going we leave in 6 days. Then we get a call the boat has turned colse to and will not stop the race. So Greg scrambles and gets Jon a flight down and we all go to Bermuda. It was great and I just what we needed. When we got home Dan was doing so much best and My sister was still in a drug induced coma and showing signs of improvement. In my heart I felt that she would be okay.

I was home for ten days when Greg and I went off to Vegas so I could attend a conference on marketing, I was so busy and we still got in some sights and a show.We were able to relax and when we got back Brenda was off life sustain and they had put in a tracheotomy so they could remove the tube and fully wake her up to start giving her control of her body back. We finally conception things were going in a sure direction. Dan was home Brenda is getting stronger and the next thing is my art show at the end of July.

Dan had broken his leg the year before and was having surgical operation because it was not healing, so of to Philadelphia he went. He came home with a rod through his bone and his leg in a halo with pin supporting the bone. I couldn't believe this, so soon after he being released from the hospital. Dan said "no worries". His life has all the time been filled with doctors and hospitals. It's just one more.

Brenda was on her way to rescue and we were so grateful that things were going in a good way. She's headed to rehab care center, and still has her tracheotomy, so helpless and weak I was fearful she was not ready. But she was and after a short time they will soon remove the tracheotomy and she will be ready go home with mom. The visiting nurses and bodily therapist can come to the house.

Then Boom! Dan was doing well until he falls and breaks his leg just above the rod they put in to help with the healing of the first break. He's back at Hershey and it looks bad. Off to the hospital I go to meet mom with my sister Karen. The Doctors extend his halo and things look good, he once again leaves the hospital.

The reports look good, Brenda got rid of the tracheotomy and will is home, we just start to relax and Boom!Mom finds Dan face down by his bed in insulin shock. The Em Ts could not bring him around, the hospital finally after many hours of working on him brought him around. So close to being in a coma we were so frighten and glad he came around. They transport him to Hershey and I didn't get to see him, I came down with a nasty virus and knew to stay away. We get news that he is going home and things are finding up.

Boom! A phone call late at night my friend my closest girl friend is in the hospital in Virginia with a brain tumor. What can I do?

I feel lost and sad with all this going on and if this was not enough... Thank God he's okay, because Greg my husband, my life rolled his car. I can't believe all this is happening. Where will we go from here?

There is only one way to go.

I try to find as many ways to educate myself on what they are going through. Sometimes the sustain we give means so much and by educate yourself on their condition and what to expect if thing get bad. You can help them to remember best time retention their minds active and off whats happening, not giving up hope and showing them that they still matter. If you are like me this is part of who you are. The thing is I am not just there for them, I am there for me.

The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears are open to my cry....When I cry for help,the Lord hears, and delivers me out of all my distress and troubles. Psalm 34:15,17

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